The Grand Reunion of Alumni of Economics Education Held Lively

Bandung, UPI 2018

A total of 180 alumni of General Economics Education/Cooperative Education/Economic and Cooperative Education, and Economic Education of the University of Indonesia Education attended the grand reunion of alumni of Economic Education Class of 1954-2014, Saturday (7/7/2018) at the Auditorium of FPEB UPI, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung. The grand reunion which was very lively and full of warmth was guided by the host, Dr. Amir Machmud, M.Si.

On the occasion of this grand reunion, the committee also invited retired Economics Education lecturers who also happened to be alumni of Economics Education, Alhamdulillah Prof.Dr. Bambang Suwarno, MA and Dr. Yayat Achdiat, MPd. pleased to attend to receive mementos from alumni as a form of alumni’s gratitude for educators.

This grand reunion was officially opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of FPEB UPI, Prof. Eeng Ahman, M.Si who is also an alumnus of General Economics Education class of 1980. Chairman of the committee Dr. Ikaputera Waspada, MM explained that this activity aims to strengthen friendship between alumni of different generations and with different study programs names, namely the alumni of General Economics Education, Cooperative Education, Economics & Cooperative Education, and Economics Education.

The 2018 Grand Reunion carries the theme “Optimizing the Role of Alumni for the Development of Economic Education in the Global Era”, so that alumni are expected to contribute to the alma mater of the Economic Education Study Program through the birth of ideas, ideas, and other forms of roles to continue to make the UPI Economic Education Study Program more victorious. in the future. One of the important agendas in this activity is the formation of the Economic Education Almuni Association (IKA). This is in line with what was explained by the Head of the Economic Education Study Program, Dr. Neti Budiwati, M.Sc., who revealed that the alumni meeting and the presence of IKA are positive credit points for the development of the study program, especially in 2018 the study program is preparing the AUN-QA Certification Form which God willing, by the end of 2018 or early 2019 at the latest, can be submitted to the AUN-QA secretariat.

At this grand reunion, the core board of the Economic Education Alumni Family Association (IKA) for the 2018-2023 period was elected and Dr. H. Marlan Nirsyamsu, MM (Alumni class of 1986) as General Chair for the 2018-2023 period. In his speech, the elected general chairman explained that the people who sit on the management of IKA are alumni representations from the names of the previous study programs which are now called Economics Education. Furthermore, the elected core management is tasked with completing the management structure and preparing the agenda or work program of IKA, one of which was disclosed by the General Chairperson of the IKA Economic Education is the program of providing educational funding assistance for Economic Education students who are economically disadvantaged. (DN)
