Paristiyanti Nurwardani: UPI Lecturers Never Tired of Supporting Teacher Professional Training

Bandung, UPI 2016

Teacher Professional Education (PPG) is an education that is prepared for prospective teachers to have special skills in becoming a teacher. The dynamics in the management of Teacher Professional Education (PPG) need to evaluate services to produce standardized programs.


“Making module standards, video standards and other supporting elements that are in accordance with standards will continue to be sought and prepared by UPI, this is for the establishment of standardization of educational patterns. UPI’s core business is in education but still has competitiveness in non-education, to welcome the MEA, later we will target ASEAN,” said UPI Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. H. R. Asep Kadarohman, M.Sc., when receiving a visit from the Director of Learning, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P., at the University Center Building, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Friday (15/01/2016).

He said that PPG must be standardized, but related to module standards, it does not always have to be the same because the conditions of each region are different, but if there is one, it will help to see its competence.


“The LPTK must indeed make textbooks, for making videos it can be done during practice in the field so that the atmosphere is created naturally, while for the lecturers it is required that they must participate in the equalization, but not all can participate in the equalization. Regarding the UTN or the State Written Examination, there must be a pause period, its function is to relax, so that the potential can develop. Looking for a reasonable time lag is a positive thing for educational progress,” he explained.

Meanwhile, related to strengthening competency standards, UPI continues to work hard to provide the best service, as stated by the Head of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Literature Education (FPBS UPI) Dr. Isah Cahyani, M.Pd., “We have participated in a grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Development Center to make a module, and the module contains what is tested, videos take data from schools, and recruits 18 fine tuning lecturers for workshops.”

On the same occasion, the Head of the Economic Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Education (FPEB UPI) Dr. Hj. Neti Budiwati, M.Sc., revealed that in the initial selection process, participants had to be in the same clump, thus facilitating educational adaptation. The duties of the lecturers are in accordance with the competence to deal with the diverse backgrounds of the participants, and senior tutors are selected, because they are always present to accompany the PPL participants.


Regarding his arrival, Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P., said, “The main purpose of our visit is to have a friendship, besides that we feel that UPI is an older brother who must be heard and give advice regarding PPG, UPI is thick with education, and is an LPTK that has a good reputation.”

“We ask for student centered learning so that it can be an example for 243 other universities. We ask for help in obtaining 8 learning standards that can be contained in one video, the existing system is extraordinary, it is hoped that the competency test will be under the Directorate General of Belmawa, because the Director General stated that the module has not been standardized because the LPTK manages itself, we would like to receive input regarding the model . We want to record the preparation of student centered learning, lecturers at UPI are never tired of supporting PPG, this is difficult to find in other places”, he explained.

“Graduating from PPG does not necessarily pass certification, therefore all LPTKs are recommended to increase question writing, and a good question bank will improve quality, and it is hoped that they will be able to prepare dormitories according to the Constitution for the next 5 years,” he said.


The meeting was also attended by the Coordinator of Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Prof. Dr. Hj. Tjutju Yuniarsih, SE., M. Pd., Head of the Division of Professional Education and Professional Services (P2JK) Dr. H. Toto Ruhimat, M.Pd., Dean of FPMIPA Siti Fatimah, M.Sc., Ph.D., head of the Department of Geography Education Dr. Hj. Epon Ningrum, M.Pd., and Asep representatives from the PGSD Study Program. (Dodiangga)

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