Multimedia Training 2018

BEM Mahaprofesi 2018 held a Multimedia Training with the theme “Creating Creative Audio Visual-Based Learning Media Innovations” which was carried out by the communication and information department on April 28 & May 2 at the Computer Lab FMIPA C. This training aims to provide provisions for students of economic education in making learning media to be interesting and keep up with the times. The speaker presented in this multimedia training is Kang Moch. Angga Saputra is someone who is qualified in this field. The series of activities in this training are as follows.

Message from the General Chair by Teguh Dwi Putra

Message from the Chief Executive of the 2018 Multimedia Training by Julia Anugrah

Teaching about the basics of editing by Moch. Angga Saputra

Plaque giving to Moch. Angga Saputra as a presenter