Workshop on Community Service (P2M), Economic Education Study Program, FPEB UPI, in collaboration with the West Java National Social Sciences Teacher Communication Forum, On May 18 2017, Held at the Auditorium of the UPI National Education Museum Bandung. With the theme “Improving the Professionalism of Social Sciences Teachers in the Framework of Implementing the 2013 Curriculum for Social Studies Subjects”. The opening of this activity was delivered by Prof.Dr.H. Agus Rahayu, M.P. As the Dean of FPEB, there are several resource persons who provide material including: Dr. Neti Budiwati, M.Sc., Prof. Dr. H. Disman, MS., Prof. Dr. H. Eeng Ahmad, MS., Dr. Kusnaedi, MS., Dr. Ikaputera Waspada, MM. Each resource person provides material according to what he has forgiven, full of examples in the knowledge possessed by these sources, so that they can lead us to a world of education that never ends with age. The enthusiasm given by the speakers gave a very significant positive impact on all participants who attended the Workshop. During the meeting, several issues related to the phenomena that occurred at this time were mentioned, for example, the low score of UKG Social Studies was caused by a lack of knowledge in understanding learning, one of which was the teacher’s lack of mastery of key words that should be understood in every given question. There are still many teachers who teach not in accordance with their fields, however, teachers are required to be able to carry out activities in learning as well as possible. The understanding of concept maps that are not mastered by some teachers, makes a very basic deficiency, for example in the technique of reading test script questions in UKG activities. The confusion in the grammar process confused UKG participants, because they did not know the basic difference between the questions. When we were told how to read the questions well, and how to distinguish such complex questions, with almost the same sentence traps. We have to find the keywords. Thus the keywords that we get will produce the correct answer, accuracy in reading makes one of the successes in answering questions. In addition to discussing the low UKG scores, teachers are invited to think rationally to their students in discussing questions, while most of them only play with logic without learning how to answer a problem rationally. As one example presented by the resource person in a question “Why do the shutters have to be opened every morning?”, many of the participants answered “because you will get fresh air, ventilation must be open, so that you can get good oxygen and so on”, but all the answer was broken directly by the presenter, most teachers answered based on logic alone, we prove what the answer from the resource person was, after a very clear explanation to the participants and gave a rational and reasonable answer, this is the answer “Because the shutters of the closed yesterday” that signifies a very rational answer. A very short answer like that which cultivates a sense of rationalism to the phenomenon or the actual situation. How amazed we were to hear such an answer, while we were only playing with logic, it turned out that behind it all we were invited to think critically and rationally according to the circumstances at that time. In addition to the material presented by the speakers, we were given practice questions that must be answered quickly, the clamor of thunder was felt, the enthusiasm that peaked was so real, the adrenaline of curiosity was so high that it was unavoidable, the burning spirit of completing the task of answering questions it was done with sincerity. The positive stimulation given by each speaker was felt and impressive, so that it amazed all the participants. A small example when participants were asked to calculate income tax given by the resource persons looked very enthusiastic, in this case there were representatives from the teacher to provide answers as well as explain the results they got. As a result, one of the participants was able to answer the PPH calculation well, the best answer received a very good appreciation from the resource person. Other material presented by the speakers was about deepening the material on Micro and Macroeconomics as well as deepening the material on Taxes or OJK. The whole series of events can be carried out properly and smoothly according to our wishes. Before the event was closed, Mr. Abur invited the participants to write in Guneman magazine, where the magazine was pioneered by the teachers and the entire writing was from the teachers. The last session featured video screenings that raised the spirit of struggle from persons with disabilities, which aroused emotion. The event was officially closed and ended by the chairman of the KBB FKG, Mr. Enang Cuhendi.M.M.Pd.