LKTIN 2018 (National Scientific Writing Competition)

“The Role of the Nation’s Children in Digital Trends in Facing National Economic Challenges” is the theme in the LKTIN (National Scientific Writing Competition) activity organized by BEM Mahaprofesi 2018 on Thursday, September 3, 2018. This activity is a national event so that the participants who attend are not only students economic education only but students from various universities and regions. Those who won 1st place in this competition were students from the Indonesian Education University, which consisted of 3 people, namely Furqon Andika, Fathur Rahman and Nadia Amira. Then the 2nd and 3rd place were won by Malang State University and Brawijaya University. Here’s the coverage.

Congratulations to the 1st Place of the Indonesian Education University

Furqon Andika

Fathur Rahman

Nadia Amira

Congratulations to the 2nd place winner from Malang State University

Sri Wahyuni

Deni Bagas Pradana

Congratulations to the 3rd place winner from Brawijaya University

Dikau Tondo Prastyo

Muhammad Mufli

Photo session